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Merry Christmas everybody
Merry Christmas everybody

Merry Christmas everybody

As this year nears its end, I like to wish you all a Happy Holiday. Nevermind what’s on your desk. This year was a crazy one. One that will last in our minds with some very uncommon experiences. From being captured by some great books like Papyrus by Irene Vallejo or from being fascinated by some natural phenomenons I experienced myself while living in Cologne this summer. This year was something I will remind when I’m old (hopefully).

One of the most interesting pieces I found in 2023 was this really compelling diagram in Luciano De Crescenzo’s bestseller “Così parlò Bellavista”. If you like, you can also think a bit about it. I build one example and tried to categorize myself into one section. But I won’t tell you here where to find me.


If you have a personality which is more interested in power, that you are clearly wrong on my blog. But striving for freedom can also be a trigger for emerging hate.

So if you like, try to categorize yourself to this. You can find a detailed version in Luciano De Crescenzo’s bestseller Così parlò Bellavista on page 147.

What was this year aside from that? Some comets which landed on earth turned out to be a balloon. And the health of all of us should prosper also after corona or other stupid virus like stuff.

With these wishes I hope for more clarity, more dignity and more hope in all of the good sides of us and wish you a blessed and secure Christmas.

Featured image comes from pexels.

As this year nears its end, I like to wish you all a Happy Holiday. Nevermind what’s on your desk. This year was a crazy one. One that will last in our minds with some very uncommon experiences. From being captured by some great books like Papyrus by Irene Vallejo or from being fascinated by some natural phenomenons I experienced myself while living in Cologne this summer. This year was something I will remind when I’m old (hopefully).

One of the most interesting pieces I found in 2023 was this really compelling diagram in Luciano De Crescenzo’s bestseller “Così parlò Bellavista”. If you like, you can also think a bit about it. I build one example and tried to categorize myself into one section. But I won’t tell you here where to find me.


If you have a personality which is more interested in power, that you are clearly wrong on my blog. But striving for freedom can also be a trigger for emerging hate.

So if you like, try to categorize yourself to this. You can find a detailed version in Luciano De Crescenzo’s bestseller Così parlò Bellavista on page 147.

What was this year aside from that? Some comets which landed on earth turned out to be a balloon. And the health of all of us should prosper also after corona or other stupid virus like stuff.

With these wishes I hope for more clarity, more dignity and more hope in all of the good sides of us and wish you a blessed and secure Christmas.

Featured image comes from pexels.


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With love

Merry Christmas everybody

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