answers ^#blog

With love
With love

With love

Being a native in the WorldWideWeb (www.) doesn’t only come with learning some programming, it also comes with some writing. Depending on the purpose of your website, blog or social media, there are various kinds of promoting content. It might be useful to summarize the key points and turn it into a hashtag. Which IMHO is a good choice if you are less dependent on semantics and want to push a message forward. For example, #democracy just tells your reader that you are in favor of democracy, but nothing more.

So anyone who is searching for the hashtag democracy will find various opinions and fragments. Like you are searching in your basement where all little boxes have postits on their top. Not very useful when you’re imaging that every user in your own social media feed is putting some little boxes in your basement while putting a postit on top of it. So concluding, many contents, much chaos, nothing more to find.

Promoting your message, in a more sufficient way, is mostly depending on semantics. On WordPress, for example, you can use the Yoast SEO Plugin, which comes with excellent suggestions for your articles. Or, when you write some content in Google Docs you can use the LanguageTool, which is a great tool for grammar checking.

Using this, you will realize that words, sentences, and terms alter very harsh by extending it in a way you decide. Here are some examples:

ObligationObligation with love
DependenceDependence with love
KeepingKeeping with love
OwnershipOwnership with love
UnderstandingUnderstanding with love
ConsiderationConsideration with love
SuspicionSuspicion with love
AssumptionAssumption with love
DeterminationDetermination with love
CareCare with love
ProtectProtect with love
PreservePreserve with love
ConsiderationConsideration with love

This is not a contract with your broadcasting company, it’s semantics. And maybe it’s that what your next contract will depend on. Concluding that semantics are essential to the process of conveying, retrieving, conceiving and exchanging information, thinking about building your construct properly might be essential. If content is essential for your message, the message should be well suited, healthy and well-formulated, #semantics.

Let us come to Cognitive semantics. Every little part of your sentence builds a framework in which culture can persist. Like a signal, you transform to a message. Writing in this manner also comes with an aim. Getting feedback. Some more than a thumb up or down. Some more than money. Let the user consider what you are after. It might be more complicated than a simple hashtag, and also depends on the users’ ability to understand your message. But gladly, we are all vaccinated with a sense of cognitive relation processing.

Hopefully you noticed the message. If you have any feedback, feel free to leave a comment. And meanwhile, have fun with semantics.

This is a solution for:


Featured image comes from pexels.

Being a native in the WorldWideWeb (www.) doesn’t only come with learning some programming, it also comes with some writing. Depending on the purpose of your website, blog or social media, there are various kinds of promoting content. It might be useful to summarize the key points and turn it into a hashtag. Which IMHO is a good choice if you are less dependent on semantics and want to push a message forward. For example, #democracy just tells your reader that you are in favor of democracy, but nothing more.

So anyone who is searching for the hashtag democracy will find various opinions and fragments. Like you are searching in your basement where all little boxes have postits on their top. Not very useful when you’re imaging that every user in your own social media feed is putting some little boxes in your basement while putting a postit on top of it. So concluding, many contents, much chaos, nothing more to find.

Promoting your message, in a more sufficient way, is mostly depending on semantics. On WordPress, for example, you can use the Yoast SEO Plugin, which comes with excellent suggestions for your articles. Or, when you write some content in Google Docs you can use the LanguageTool, which is a great tool for grammar checking.

Using this, you will realize that words, sentences, and terms alter very harsh by extending it in a way you decide. Here are some examples:

ObligationObligation with love
DependenceDependence with love
KeepingKeeping with love
OwnershipOwnership with love
UnderstandingUnderstanding with love
ConsiderationConsideration with love
SuspicionSuspicion with love
AssumptionAssumption with love
DeterminationDetermination with love
CareCare with love
ProtectProtect with love
PreservePreserve with love
ConsiderationConsideration with love

This is not a contract with your broadcasting company, it’s semantics. And maybe it’s that what your next contract will depend on. Concluding that semantics are essential to the process of conveying, retrieving, conceiving and exchanging information, thinking about building your construct properly might be essential. If content is essential for your message, the message should be well suited, healthy and well-formulated, #semantics.

Let us come to Cognitive semantics. Every little part of your sentence builds a framework in which culture can persist. Like a signal, you transform to a message. Writing in this manner also comes with an aim. Getting feedback. Some more than a thumb up or down. Some more than money. Let the user consider what you are after. It might be more complicated than a simple hashtag, and also depends on the users’ ability to understand your message. But gladly, we are all vaccinated with a sense of cognitive relation processing.

Hopefully you noticed the message. If you have any feedback, feel free to leave a comment. And meanwhile, have fun with semantics.

This is a solution for:


Featured image comes from pexels.


Browsers render different

Make footer lines static in WordPress

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Light and dark vs. black and white

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With love

Obsolescence childish

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Release note

Losing focus



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