answers ^#blog

  • Aspect ratio Media Query

    Aspect ratio Media Query

    Aspect ratio Media Query

    Maybe you heard about the aspect ratio property. This is a handy tool for mainly setting up image scales. But first, let’s come to some explaining the problem. There are (again) various browsers on the market, and your users decide which one to use to visit your site or online store. Considering this you can keep it simple, stupid, something like, buy and leave, and come back with the next voucher we will send you. Or you can try to attract your user also visually, which is from a developer’s perspective more complicated but definitely more fun. Combining the KISS… Read more

  • Browsers render different

    Browsers render different

    Browsers render different

    Starting a new website might be challenging. Different CMSes. Different Browsers and different user devices. In this regard, Web Designers have to test their websites from different angles in the first step and find workarounds and solutions for some rendering differences between all the user agent types. The clou is to find a specific routing for, for example, all users that visit your site via the Safari Browser or via an Apple device. But foremost, let’s take a look at the rendering from these devices. Therefore, you can use for example the Chrome Developer Tools within the Chrome Stable Browser.… Read more

  • Aspect ratio Media Query

    Aspect ratio Media Query

    Aspect ratio Media Query

    Maybe you heard about the aspect ratio property. This is a handy tool for mainly setting up image scales. But first, let’s come to some explaining the problem. There are (again) various browsers on the market, and your users decide which one to use to visit your site or online store. Considering this you can keep it simple, stupid, something like, buy and leave, and come back with the next voucher we will send you. Or you can try to attract your user also visually, which is from a developer’s perspective more complicated but definitely more fun. Combining the KISS… Read more

  • Browsers render different

    Browsers render different

    Browsers render different

    Starting a new website might be challenging. Different CMSes. Different Browsers and different user devices. In this regard, Web Designers have to test their websites from different angles in the first step and find workarounds and solutions for some rendering differences between all the user agent types. The clou is to find a specific routing for, for example, all users that visit your site via the Safari Browser or via an Apple device. But foremost, let’s take a look at the rendering from these devices. Therefore, you can use for example the Chrome Developer Tools within the Chrome Stable Browser.… Read more